Hello World of Data Science!

Hello fellow Data Science Enthusiasts! This is our hub where we can discuss all about the innovative fields of Data Science and Artificial Intelligence. Here, you will find how-to articles, technical guides, full-fledged projects, premium content, job openings in the fields of Data Science and AI.

In this age of AI where a blog can be generated with a click of a button, why do we need one more Data Science website? That is precisely why it is even more important to retain human voices to separate fact from fiction and reality from hype. Tools like ChatGPT are great at content creation but they can be very generic and lack the human touch. Let us have a little human corner on this huge Internet real-estate where humans discuss and control technology and not the other way round.

Premium Content

To encourage writers and worthy articles, we introduce a premium content section. You could write and submit articles on the following topics with a predefined set of guidelines. Publications like Medium are taking a lot of time to enable talented writers to earn money through their partner programs. With our website, every time someone buys your article, you get 60% out of it and the price rises up whenever people buy it. A short preview of your article will be shown for free and when a visitor pays for your article, amount will be accumulated in your account. At the end of the month, your balance will be credited to your bank account.

To publish your article, contact us at Email us with a short portfolio or a draft of your blog. If the blog aligns with the vision of our website, you will be added as a writer and you will have access to a platform to write and polish your post, all for free. At this point in time, AI generated content is not allowed as this is against the point of this website. Your content should be based on personal experience, knowledge and your own unique human perspective.

Data Science News

In addition, we have a News section where you will see the latest news of the happenings in the field of Data Science and Artificial Intelligence across the world which can be filtered by location. Today, the changes in the field of technology are coming at us with lightening speed. It does become overwhelming to keep track of all of them. To help you with this, we curate and bring you a daily dose of important AI news that actually deserves your attention.

Data Science Jobs

In the Jobs section, you will see the latest DS, AI and NLP remote/freelance job openings across the world. Often, Data Scientist positions are preferred to be in-person. However, with the advancements in tools that facilitate remote working it is totally possible to have a successful remote working career as a Data Scientist/AI Engineer. To facilitate this, anyone is welcome to post job openings here. The job poster needs to pay only when they avail the additional services. Job Seekers need not pay anything and can start applying right away. For posting a remote job, you can write to me at Email Us or send me a message on LinkedIn.

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